Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reading-Japan Style

I have never thought of my self as a TV or Internet junkie. In fact left to my own devices in America I don't watch much TV or really use the Internet as much as my friends. However, not having TV that I can watch or the Internet at home has been a bit of a shock. I have read so much since I got here. I read 6 books cover to cover. Even for me that is a lot in such a short time. Some of them have been quite long like Pillars of the Earth and some quite weighty like Blink. Yet, I have devoured them all. In 13 days I have read thousands of pages of text. My pace will slow down when I start to teach, next week but I don't see it slowing that much. Having Samantha here has helped give me things to do since she brought our DVDs and some more Video Games. Oddly, Japan may turn me into a speed reader of English. Which would be nice. There are a ton of English books between the three teacher houses and the office. Quite a few being those classic books that everyone thinks they should try and read but realises that it will take being stuck in Japan with just that book to get them to read them. The complete list of books I have read is Blink, Treasure of Khan, Pillars of the Earth, This is your Life, The Post American World, Empire.

Blink- Very interesting its look at how we think and the subconscious was a great read. It really makes you think about your instincts and how you think.

Treasure of Khan- I had never read a Dirk Pitt book before this. It was the most preposterous over the top book I have ever read. Dirk trips falls and in the fall defeats two bad guys, save a damsel in distress, convinces China to give inner Mongolia back to Mongolia, and finds treasure. Oh and he body surfs a Tsunami.

Pillars of the Earth-Historical fiction about the building of Cathedrals and the event leading to the Second King Henry in England. Not being much for European history I remain unsure what was historical and what was fictional.

This is Your Life-British but funny any way. It is about a guy who has done nothing and bluffs his way into people thinking he is a celebrity. It has been the lightest book I have read here.

The Post American World- Really makes you think about the ways the world is changing. Looks at it not as a decline of America and the west but as the rise of the rest. Not a book of panic and fear mongering just a very level headed look at the world as it may be soon.

Empire- Civil war in modern America. A fun action packed book without being as silly as a Dirk Pitt book. A fun read all in all.

Currently I'm reading Pagan Christianity? that Mike gave Samantha and I. She and I will review it after we both finish.


  1. Post American World was written by Fareed Zakaria, right? I've been meaning to get my hands on that. And honestly, I am gonna start reading the book you got me last Christmas (!!) today. Glad to hear your class didn't eat you alive yet :)

  2. Yeah it was written by him. Its good if you fly over here you can have my copy.
