Monday, August 10, 2009

Pictures of the House

These are pictures of the house. When Samantha gets here we will do a video walk trough. Its in really good shape and Dan and Tyler did a great job cleaning. It was nice to sleep on clean sheets in my own bed that first night. There is tons of weird stuff left by former JET. I have a closet filled with old computer stuff. There are 2 snowboards and tons of boots. There are several pairs of cold weather boots. We have a good amount of kitchen stuff including a large supply of forks and spoons. All in all if you don't mid that nothing matches, but its all in good repair we have a great house. Though there is one oddity no rice cooker.


  1. Caleb, At least you already have a snowboard so I can teach you on.

  2. Wow! VERY nice! You're incredibly fortunate!
    Enough room for a visitor who misses Iwate terribly??
