Friday, September 25, 2009

My Commute

These are some pictures of the commute trough the mountains to Chokai where I teach every other week. Its a great ride that I even do some times on the weekends for fun. Also, since the area it goes through is so rural there are a couple of great fruit and vegetable stands. They leave bags of whatever has come into harvest and everything is 100 yen or about 1 dollar. Its a great way to get some cheap healthy food. Last time I went to one I got 4 big pears, a bag of shitake mushrooms, and a bag of home grown tomatos all for way cheaper then the grocery store. I will not be posting pictures of the ride to Kozuya as its on the intersate and there for not pretty or interesting.


  1. Come on, I love the view of the river where the main road meet route 4.

  2. bet there's some awesome microbrews out there
