Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hot Springs, Onsen

Today Stephanie, Samantha, and I went up a couple stops on the train line to a place with a bunch of hot springs. We went to one that was really cheep and pretty nice. I cant speak to the woman's portion but the man's was good it had seen better days but good. They had a hot bath that was really big, round and had a fountain. There was a small luck warm bath and a cold one. It was really nice and relaxing. It was only 5 dollars to take a bath and since the train was only 3.60 its something I think we will do again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Is that the one with the stair case? If so, that is the one that is haunted by the child ghost. There is an entire room filled with toys and stuffed animals for the ghost. There are some neat pictures as well.
