Monday, March 21, 2011

Oyajigagu 親父ギャグ

I have had this post ready for a while. I'm going ahead and putting it up. There will probably be more posts about the earthquake.

Oyajigagu 親父ギャグ

In Japan there is a type of joke called Oyajigyagu. Oyaji means a kind of Uncle/Grandfather type person. Gyagu is gag a loan word from English. These types of jokes are mostly puns. Most of them are only funny in Japanese. Sometimes though there is one that is only funny to people who know both English and Japanese. I like these kind of jokes because I get them. My students don’t like them because they aren’t really that funny. In this post I wanted to explain my favorite Oyajigyagu. So if you have bilingual or Japanese friends try these out.


Bilingual Jokes

二か国語 ジョーク

A: What is the taste of a tarantula?

A: タランチュラの味はどんなですか。

B: I don’t know.

B: 分からない。

A: Suppaida. (Suppai is a Japanese word that means sour. Da is casual sentence ending. Try saying suppaida, doesn’t it sound like spider?)


A: If Fidel Castro played pro-baseball what number would he be?

A: フィデル・カストロはプロ野球選手になったら背番号は何番になりますか。

B: I don’t know.

B: わからない。

A: Kyuban. (Kyuban mean number 9 in Japanese and is pronounced the same a Cuban.)

A: 九番。(英語でキューバ人はCuban。Cubanの発音はキューバン。

A: Why does Obama smile all the time?

A: なぜ、オバマはいつもニコニコします。

B: I don’t know.

B: 分からない。

A: Ha wa ii. (Ha wa ii means good teeth in Japanese. Put it together and Hawaii)

A: 歯はいい。(ハワイ。オバマはハワイ州で生まれました。)

Japanese Only


A: What is the coldest sport in Japan?

A: 日本で一番寒いスポーツは何ですか。

B: I don’t know.

B: 分からない。

A: Kyuudou. (Kyuudou written one way is Japanese archery, written another it is 9 degrees)


A: If 500 cars leave Hokkaido and 500 cars leave Osaka, where will they meet?

A: 北海道から車が500台と大阪から車500台出発したら、、どこで会いますか。

B: I don’t know.

B: 分からない。

A: Sendai. (Dai is counter meaning cars. Sen is the Japanese word for a thousand. So 500dai leave Hokaido and 500 leave Osaka. They meet at 1000dai.)

A: 仙台。(千台)

A: What family member can you meet while counting.

A: 数を数えているあいだに家族の誰に会うでしょう。

B: I don’t know.

B: 分からない。

A: Nisan (One, Two, Three in Japanese is ichi, ni, san. Ni san means 2 3 but nisan means older brother.)


A: What is Michal Jackson’s favorite color?

A: マイケル・ジャクソンの一番好きな色は何ですか。

B: I don’t know.

B: 分からない。

A: Ao. (Ao means Blue in Japanese and if you say it quickly sounds like something MJ would say)

A: アオ。(青。)

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