Monday, March 14, 2011

Earthquake 2

The Board of Education had the Internet so we should be in a bit more regular contact. Ichinohe is still doing pretty good in a lot of ways. People are calm and going about normal activities as best they can. My school at Kozuya even had its graduation ceremony today. You could almost forget what had happened. Till there was a small aftershock during the ceremony. After the ceremony it was annocunced that the town was out of gas. Rumor is that most of the prefecture may be out as well. The local trains and shikansen are still closed in the north part of Japan. This is mostly to conserve power. The toll roads and main highways are reserved for emergency vehicles only. They are warning people in Tohoku(the north) and Kanto(central Japan) to conserve power as much as they can. With the disasters at Fukushima Daiich and Daini and troubles at other plants the national power situation is a bit difficult. There are going to be rolling blackouts in Tokyo and most of Kanto. I don't think that this will effect our town though we might lose power completely. I want to encourage everyone to look into how they can donate to the relief effort. Many people in Japan have lost everything and need alot of help.

They Japan Meteorological Association has said that there is a 70% chance of a magnitude 7 earthquake in the 3 days following March, 13.

One site that has been recommended as a place to donate is


  1. I'm so glad you all are safe! Japan is in my thoughts and prayers. It is good that you can update online even occasionally. Stay safe, I'm sure I'll hear from you soon.

  2. Hi,
    I found your blog via Google. I used to teach in Ichinohe at the high school -- I lived in the teacher housing on the hill. I was there in 1989-90 through the JET program.
    I'm glad you all are safe and doing all right ... I'm very worried about my friends in Iwate in other regions....
    We are all thinking of you in Japan. Good luck!

  3. Hey just saw your post! They still put JETs in those houses. I'm typing from there now!
