Sunday, February 6, 2011


Samantha and a demon.サマンサと鬼。

This Wednesday Samantha and I got to take part in Setsubun. Setsubun is a Japanese holiday that takes place the day before the first day of spring. The point of the holiday is to drive out bad things from your life. The way to do this is to throw peanuts at demons. The demons represent all the bad things in the coming year. In Okunakayama the way Setsubun is celebrated is some of the men of the town dress as demons. The demons go to different houses and the children throw peanuts at them. This year I got to play one of the demons. There were four demons, a black, a red (pink), a green, and a blue. I’ll let you guess from the pictures which one I am. (Hint I’m the tall one.) As demons we went to the Special needs school in Okunakayama and the houses of Elementary school kids. Some of the special school students had practiced English greetings or English Setsubun phrases, like, “Demon out good luck in.” The Principal of the school wanted me to yell in English. Since, raaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr is the same in any language I would yell, “I’m a demon.” After that I would nearly laugh, so maybe I wasn’t the scariest demon. Many students had also made paper weapons to fight the demons. After the special school we went to some of the families from the Church and the local Elementary school. The youngest kids were very very scared of us. I was surprised how sacred some kids were. I thought one child was going to hyperventilate. After he threw all the beans he just stood there shivering and breathing hard. Another child gave the most serious yeses when the black demon asked if they would be a good child in the year. She bowed and said yes like she was in the army. Many kids cried when they ran out of beans. The crying made getting pictures with the demons and the kids a bit of a problem. The best though was when we went to the house Samantha and Rachael were waiting at. We went up to these big windows before we started yelling. They jumped about a foot in the air. The black demon gave all the kids a snack after words. Many of the kids both wanted the snack but didn’t want to get close to the demon. So they grabbed it and ran away. The mask I wore was interesting. It had very small eye holes so I could only see directly in front of me. Because of this I was stumbling around like a drunk. Setsubun has got to have been one of the best things I have done in Japan. It will definitely be one of my favorite memories of my life in Japan.
Demon attack. 鬼アタック。

For some more Japanese study I have decided to do the blog in English and Japanese. Before I go back to America I want to pass the 2nd rank of the Japanese Language Test. I’m trying to use my Japanese more by reading and writing. So, I will do my best to write in Japanese.



Racheal with demon killing beans. レィチェルと鬼殺すピーナッツです。

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