Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We'll see how long this lasts

There are two things I need to do more: draw and post on this blog. Seeing a connection, I decided to try making quick little doodles to post onto this blog. Today's is about my friend and hero, Kotatsu:

On cold days I have to struggle to leave it.

Also, I'd like to publicly thank Jon and Emily for mailing us a wonderful care package. Emily is currently pursuing her goal of becoming the most attractive and intelligent lawyer in the world, while Jon is well on his way to becoming an international nurse of mystery. Thanks guys, we loved it!


  1. I've wanted one of those since I first heard about them. You'd think some enterprising Japanese person would import them to America. I imagine they'd be bigger than the Snuggie.

  2. Thank you for your posts Samantha! nice depiction of a kotatsu. I'd wish I had one, but today warmed up for some reason. That's basically Florida though. Stay warm!

  3. Yaaay! For comics, amazing heater-blanket-table hybrids, and that you liked our package. <---That's what she said!
