Bear with me, there are going to be a lot of images in this post. During our time at the Hokkaido snow festival we took more than 300 pictures. All of those pictures look equally interesting to me. It's difficult to winnow the list down, but I'm trying. Also, uploading pictures is a long process. Each photo takes roughly an ice age to go through. I may end up making several posts.
The Hokkaido snow festival is pretty famous. Basically, if you've seen pictures online of huge ice or snow sculptures, they probably came from the Chinese snow/ice festival or the Hokkaido snow festival. We wanted
The snow festival was set up along twelve blocks on one of the main streets in Sapporo. (There were also side streets with additional, smaller sculptures.) About 4 of the 12 blocks had gargantuan snow sculptures that stood 2 or 3 stories high.
Here are some of our pictures in no particular order: ( click for a larger image)

Awesome pictures!! Looks like a lot of fun :)