At 3 in the morning on February 5 the foot thick ice and snow that was hanging off our roof collapsed. Have you ever heard hundreds of pounds of snow fall? Let me tell you its loud. I woke bolt upright looking around for the bomb that had gone off in my bedroom. I told Samantha not to worry about the snow falling. Then I realized she had slept through the whole thing. I tried to open the front door, but we were snowed in. So I did what anyone would do, went back to sleep. The next morning we managed to squeeze through the door and look outside.
The snow had broken our roof. Badly. There were huge chucks of ice every where. If it had hit us we would be dead. I called the School Board and the boss came out to look at our houses. The boss told me to be careful because the snow is dangerous if it falls. I got that. I figure if something can break wood and metal it’s dangerous. They are going to have someone come fix the roof this week. I’m just kind of amazed at the house sometimes.
Here is a list of the things that have been fixed, replaced, or broken in the house in a year and a half:
- The old TV caught fire.
- The stove broke and had to be replaced.
- The paper in the windows got mold and had to be replaced.
- The living room tatami had a hole and was replaced.
- Xbox.
- Roof
- DVD player.
- Couch.
- Frozen pipes.
If you are my replacement in Ichinohe don’t be scared. When you come you will have, new paper screens, new stove, new tatami, and a partially new roof. Also the TV was replaced; with the oldest TV I have ever seen. So you will get the nicest of the houses.

Installing the tatami is a strange home repair. Partly because none of the Japanese people I asked have done it. This prompts comments about who the Japanese person is. Partly, because of the installation method. You pretty much just spread the tatami out, tack it in and push it flat. This took about an hour for a small room. It was really hard to get it flat. I would pull my side flat and then Samantha’s would wrinkle. Her side would be perfect and mine would be wrinkly. Smooth one wrinkle and a new one pops up.
It was a bit of an exercise in frustration. We finally got it though and it looks pretty good. The new tatami looks pretty good if I do say so my self. The smell it has is great, it smells kind of like fresh hay. So now I know more Japanese house repairs than the average Japanese person.
か月の中で沢山の家の物が壊れました。これは直した物、かえた物、壊れた物のリストです。 1.テレビは火をふきました。