While we were on our little jaunt to America, Ichinohe was hit with a meter of snow in just one day. A gas station's roof collapsed and the power went out for three days in some places. I don't have to tell you how glad I am that I wasn't here for that. All of our heating methods are powered by electricity. We would have had to burn our furniture for warmth.
Still, coming back from Tennessee it was a bit shocking to see.

This is the biggest of our "Death-cical" crop on our house.

This is another picture of our leviathan icicle, but it's easier to see the foot of solid ice that rests underneath the snow on our roof. Last year when the weather finally warmed I would hear these loud THUNK noises. When I would go out to investigate, I would invariably find a 30-40 pound block of ice had fallen off the roof. Concerned, I asked my tutor what I should do about the problem. I was hoping for some sort of solution that would stop me from being bludgeoned by ice while trying to unlock my front door. What I got was: "Oh yes, that ice is very dangerous. Many people die every year. Be careful." I was not comforted.

This picture was taken from an exposed manhole cover, to show you the amount of packed snow and ice that stays on the walking path at all times. Also, that dome on the horizon is our Library.
This should give you an idea of how fast it can snow here and how hard the wind can blow:
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