I stopped in there the day before last, because I saw a bag of four apples for 100 yen ( about a buck) . I step into the store and the owner takes one look at me and exclaims "Kowaii" (adorable/cute) I'm not sure if she was talking about my bright red winter jacket or my hand knitted hat. ( First hat I ever made and I, in a stroke of brilliance, refused to look back at a pattern when it came time to reduce stitches. The end result is that my hat has a little stem sticking out of the top)
I grab a few other items I need and head for the register. She picks up the bag of apples I have selected and scowls at the apples like they have done her a personal disservice. She tells me "Oiishi ja nai" which roughly translates to:

She says it a few more times to make sure that I understand, smiles apologetically, and then goes outside into the cold and the slush to root through the 1oo yen apple bin to find me more satisfactory apples.
I'm not sure if I should be touched by her thoughtfulness or insulted that she didn't believe I could tell a tasty apple from an untasty apple. ...Buuuuuut, the apples she picked were delicious so maybe she was right.
I hope she said Kawaii and not kowaii (scary), lol. She probably meant well, glad they were good