Friday, December 4, 2009

Santa Caleb

Today I taught Christmas at Kozuya Elementary to the first and second grade. I explained the reason that Christians celebrate Christmas. I also, told them about kids believing that if they are good all year they will get presents. Then I opened the floor up for questions. All the questions were about Santa and Presents which would have been true at an America school to I guess. Some of the best were as follows. Keep in mind these are all in Japanese and have to be translated by going back and forth with the real teacher. Then I had to answer in Japanese.

Why does Santa come in through the Chimney?
Because he is not a burglar and cant use a locked door or window, he has to use the Chimney.

I don’t have a Chimney how does Santa come in?
He can use the out side vent of the Kerosene Heater to get in.

Then he would be inside the heater?

Why does Santa give presents?
To celebrate Jesus birthday.

What is the English word for the animal that pulls Santa’s Sleigh?
Reindeer, the I sang Rudolf the red nosed reindeer which made them all surprised to learn that only one Reindeer had a red nose.

How does Santa know what we want?
In America kids write him a letter that says what they want.

Do they put it in the mail for real?
Yes, they do.

WAAAAAAAAAAAA We don’t write letters. If we don’t write letters Santa won’t know what we want. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Mr. Caleb what is Santa’s address?
At this point before I can tell them to address them to the North Pole. The teacher steps in and tells them that they can tell their parents what they want and they will tell Santa. I admit that I wanted them to write Santa letters just to confuse the Japanese mail system.

One kid very nervously asked if wakening up late is a bad thing?
The teacher handled this one to saying it was bad especially if it made you late to school and you parents late to work.

We then made Christmas Cards in all the classes that day. It was a lot of fun and the kids really liked it. Also, in another reason that my Elementary kids are starting to grow on me is that they are so cute. In my first grade was one girl who is little Ms. Dainty in class but at lunch was forking it (I guess in Japan I cant say forking it I have to say chopsticking it) in like rice was about to be illegal. I mean she had more rice in her chopsticks then she could force in her mouth. Things like that are just so adorable.


  1. oh my, bringing down the Japanese mail system one frantic student at a time

  2. I think Japanese do write letters to Santa. My girlfriend told me she used to write letters to Santa and wants to write one this year, except she said they mail their letters to Santa to Norway. We then engaged in a debate on where Santa lives. Norway? Seriously??
