Saturday, October 31, 2009


On the day before Halloween my Elementary School in Kozuya let me have a Halloween party for my 6th grade class. It was a lot of fun for me and the kids. I told them and every class I taught that day Taily Po in Japanese. The kids seemed to really like it they were scared by it at times and amused by my faltering Japanese at other times. Then I told them about trick or treating. The teacher made a small door for the kids the to knock on and trick or treat from. They would say trick or treat and then I would ask them a question in English and if they got it right I would give them candy. Several students made funny mistakes with their answers. One girl said that her name was candy. Instead of saying she liked candy. Another girl when asked how old she was said she was cookie. So I say in Japanese, "you are cookie years old." She and the students around her laughed. So I asked again and to help her said I was 22 years old. This prompted her to think and then claim she was 22 years old.
Me teaching the kids monster names.
My Door.
This is the poster board about me at this school. It has facts about me and this poster of me. Apparently I have light brown hair and green glasses. Also if you look closely you will see that they dont ask if I'm married but if I'm marriage so I'm the physical embodiment of marriage.